Google Family link. Parental controls for Android devices

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As parents, we are always looking for ways to keep our kids safe in the digital age. One way to do this is to use parental control apps, and Google Family Link is one such app. It allows parents to manage and control their child’s Android device.

Setting up Google Family Link is easy. You need to create a Google account for your child and install the Family Link app on their device. Once you’ve done this, you can set various limits and controls. Here are some of the things you can do with Google Family Link:

  1. Approve or block apps: You can approve or block apps that your child wants to download. This helps you ensure that your child is only downloading appropriate apps.
  2. Set screen time limits: With Family Link, you can set screen time limits for your child’s device. This means that the device will automatically lock after a certain amount of screen time has been used.
  3. Lock the device: If your child has been spending too much time on their device or if it’s past their bedtime, you can lock the device remotely.
  4. Monitor activity: Family Link also allows you to monitor your child’s activity on their device. You can see what apps they’re using, how much time they’re spending on each app, and how much time they’re spending on their device.
  5. Set up a bedtime: You can set a bedtime for your child’s device. This will help ensure that your child gets enough sleep and isn’t staying up late on their device.

Overall, Google Family Link is a great tool for parents who want to manage and control their child’s Android device. It gives parents peace of mind and allows them to keep their children safe in the digital world.

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